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privacy policy

From CAROBELS COSMETICS, SL we are committed to responsible treatment of your data and in compliance with Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council 679/201 6, of April 27 (GDPR) regarding the protection of natural persons in terms of Regarding the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5 (LOPDGDD), on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights, the following information is provided:

Through our Privacy Policy we inform you of the way in which your personal data will be treated on our website.

In accordance with the Data Protection regulations and in accordance with the principle of transparency, we intend that all information and communication related to the processing of your personal data be understandable and easily accessible.

On this website, the personal data of users is respected and cared for. As a user you should know that your rights are guaranteed.

Respect for your privacy is important to us and you should know that this website is a safe and reliable space and therefore:

  • We never ask for personal information unless it is really necessary to provide you with the services you request from us.
  • We never share our users' personal information with anyone, except to comply with our legal obligations or with your express permission.
  • We never use your personal data for a purpose other than that expressed in this Privacy Policy.

Finally, we remind you that, as a user of the website, you will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data you provide us, and you must notify us of any changes in them.



The Website is not intended for persons under the age of 14. We do not knowingly collect personal information from minors. If you are a parent or guardian and you believe that your child has provided us with Personal Information, please contact us at the address below to request its deletion.



Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

CAROBELS COSMETICS, SL is responsible for the processing of personal data of web users, with registered office at Av. de Antibióticos, 73, 24009 León and its general email address being




Purpose of data processing

Usability and quality analysis to improve our service by performing statistical analysis and studies.

No automated decisions will be made based on the data provided

Legitimation for data processing

The processing is necessary for the satisfaction of legitimate interests pursued by the data controller or by a third party, provided that said interests do not prevail over the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject that require the protection of personal data (GDPR art. 6.1 .F)).

Time of conservation of your data

As for the browsing data, the time of conservation of your data is established in our cookie policy.

Recipients of the communication of your data

The data derived from the contact and consultation will not be communicated to third parties except when there is an applicable legal obligation.

Origin of the data

The personal data that we process at CAROBELS COSMETICS, SL comes from: The interested party when browsing our website.



Purpose of Data Processing

The processing of your personal data will pursue the purpose of managing the contact that you have made or the query that you have sent us to maintain a commercial relationship through the means of contact on the web.

No automated decisions will be made based on the data provided

Legitimation for data processing

It legitimizes us for the processing of your personal data through the consent you give by sending the contact form or the query (GDPR, art. 6.1.a). We remind you that you can revoke the consent given at any time you wish. To do this, request it through the address                                                      

Time of conservation of your data

They will be kept for the time necessary to meet the request or request and, when it is no longer necessary for this purpose, they will be deleted with adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or the total destruction of the same, always respecting the deadlines provided by law regarding the prescription of possible responsibilities derived from the treatment.

Recipients of the communication of your data

The data derived from the contact and consultation will not be communicated to third parties except when there is an applicable legal obligation.

Origin of the data

The personal data that we process at CAROBELS COSMETICS , SL come from: The interested party himself when browsing our website and filling in the contact form or sending his query/request through any of the contact methods on the web.



Purpose of data processing

Manage the Curriculum Vitae received through the email enabled for this purpose on the website ( ).                                                                                                                                                                         

No automated decisions will be made based on the data provided .

Legitimation for data processing

  • GDPR Art. 6.1 b): Data processing is lawful when it is necessary for the application, at the request of the worker, of pre-contractual measures or the intention to conclude a contract (when the Curriculum Vitae has been delivered or sent by the candidate to participate in a selection process called by the Organization).                                                                      
  • GDPR Art 6.1.a): Lawful treatment because the interested party gave his consent for the processing of his personal data for one or more specific purposes ( when he voluntarily sends or delivers his Curriculum Vitae without an open selection process or when there is no been selected in a certain selection process, wishes to remain in the Organization's job bank).

Time of conservation of your data

The data will be deleted when the interested party requests it and, in any case, two years after the last interaction with said interested party.                                                                  

Recipients of the communication of your data

The personal data contained in this file will not be subject to transfer except applicable legal obligation.

Origin of the data

The personal data that we process at CAROBELS COSMETICS , SL comes from: The interested party himself when browsing our website and sending his CV through the email enabled for this purpose on the web ( ) .



Purpose of data processing

At CAROBELS COSMETICS, SL we process the information provided by interested persons in order to send our Newsletter and other promotional communications of interest to subscribers to it.

No automated decisions will be made based on the data provided

Legitimation for data processing

Consent of the interested party: send our Newsletter and other promotional communications of interest to its subscribers (GDPR, art. 6.1.a, and LSSICE art.21)

Time of conservation of your data

The data will be kept as long as the interested party does not request its deletion .

Recipients of the communication of your data

No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation.

Origin of the data

The personal data that we process at CAROBELS COSMETICS , SL comes from: The interested party himself when browsing our website and completing the subscription form to our Newsletter.                                                                                                                                                             


There are other purposes for which we process your personal data:

  • To guarantee compliance with the conditions of use and the applicable Law. This may include the development of tools and algorithms that help this website to guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data it collects.
  • Other non-identifying data is also collected that is obtained through some Cookies that are downloaded to your computer when you browse this website that we detail in the Cookies Policy.
  • To manage social networks (RRSS). The treatment of the data of the people who become followers of the Organization in the RRSS of our website will be governed by the conditions of use, privacy policies and access regulations that correspond to the social network that is appropriate in each case and that are previously accepted by the user.

In no case will we use the profiles of followers in RRSS to send advertising individually.

No automated individual decisions referred to in article 22 of the GDPR will be made.                                                                                                                                                


Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about whether or not we process personal data that concerns them. Interested persons have the right to access their personal data and to obtain a copy of the personal data subject to processing (Right of access ), to update them, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data ( Right of rectification ) or, in their case, request the deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected (Rights of deletion ). Interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, where appropriate, we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims ( Right to limitation of processing ).

As a consequence of the application of the right to suppress or oppose the processing of personal data in the online environment, the interested parties have the Right to be forgotten according to the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the EU. Interested parties may oppose the processing of their data for marketing purposes, including profiling.

– How can rights be exercised?

In order to facilitate the exercise of your rights, through an email addressed to we will respond to the exercise of your rights or requests for information.

– What are the ways to claim?

If you consider that your rights have not been duly addressed, you have the right to file a claim with the competent authority, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection

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Carobels informs you that the personal data that you provide by filling out this form will be treated by Carobels Cosmetics, S.L. as responsible for this web. The purpose of the collection and processing of personal data that we request is to send you our publications, promotions of products and / or services and exclusive resources, as well as the treatment of your orders or requests for information. The legitimation is made through the consent of the interested party. The fact that you do not enter the personal data that appear on the form as mandatory may have the consequence that you can not meet your request. The owner´s customers may, at any time, exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, deletion and opposition to their personal data by communicating it in writing to: Carobels COSMETICS S.L. Avd. José Aguado, 7 24005 León or by sending an email to:, as well as the right to file a claim with a control authority. You can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection in our privacy policy.

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