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Borla para Maquillaje

Borla para Maquillaje

A classic in make-up for all your works.

Material: 100% Latex.

The different foundation: Which one for your face?

The most important elements in a good make-up is the foundation, that will bring uniformity, luminosity and a soft texture to your face, helping it to shine and hiding imperfections. This base should always be of the same tone that your skin or one more tone.

There are different formats of bases. In order to help you to choose the one the most adapted to your needs, we explain you below their characteristics.

Pan Stick Make-up: This product, applied in stick, is a moisturising and long-lasting make-up base. Pan Stick make-up has a strong covering power with only one simple layer, and efficiently helps to hide skin imperfections.

Long-lasting Liquid Make-up: The coverage offered by this product is moderate but its duration is optimal. Thus, this product is ideal for occasions that require a perfect make-up during lots of hours (work, wedding,etc.). Its moisturising properties together with its mat aspect make it capable of eliminating shines of oily or combination skins.

Creamy Compact Make-up: Thanks to its high hydrating power, this product is ideal for very dry skins. Its creamy texture makes its application very easy with the help of a sponge.

Compact Powder Make-up: The coverage offered by this product is smaller, resulting in a very light make-up, easy and quick to apply.

Before applying the make-up base, you can use Speedy Flash, a tensor that smoothes the face and get rid of signs of fatigue, just as Concealer for Skin Imperfections that dissimulates shadows under your eyes or imperfections. Following the application of the make-up base, you can mattify your skin with one of the translucent powder that fixe make-up and provide more natural looks.

Borla para Maquillaje
Borla para Maquillaje


Borla para Maquillaje
Evoqe Deluxe powder puff EAN: 8431332139540
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